
Best Gaming Communities to Join in 2022

Gaming communities are online hangouts where video gamers gather to talk about games that they like to play. Find your community to play video games together, and discuss the latest in the world of gaming, courtesy of best aussie online casinos.

  1. Team Fortress 2

First things first, let’s agree that all competitive games can get a bit toxic. But out of all the FPS games out there, TF2 seems disproportionately friendly. While it’s not completely douchebag-free, both the casual and eSports communities host much less verbal pummeling. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, it’s a popular game with a constant influx of new players; mixed skill levels mean that you won’t be instantly decimated as you would in more competitive FPS games. Secondly, it’s a team-based game, going lone-wolf is inadvisable; players must rely on support classes like the medic. Finally, the funny, animated setting creates a laid-back vibe; lots of players are just there to have a bit of fun, rather than proving they’re e-Rambo.

  1. Battlefield

Battlefield can get pretty damn mean, but it’s worth noting that there are at least lesser degrees of toxicity in some realistic FPS games. Unlike CoD, I’ve found that EA’s Battlefront can be surprisingly welcoming. Again, this is likely down to teamwork. Successful teams are often the ones that cooperate and communicate to give themselves a tactical advantage. As you might imagine, screaming down your mic that your teammate is a ‘noob-jackoff-waste-of-space’ isn’t the best way to ensure they’ll be watching your back when they respawn. While it’s friendly to play, the forums are a whole different ball game. The rant-filled forums are enough to give casual gamers a light case of PTSD. If you’re looking to discuss Battlefield, their YouTube community is a much friendlier place to go, Battlefielders are great for audience interaction, and fans tend to unite around issues like poor-quality DLCs and pre-order bonuses. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that jazz, but not on

  1. Rainbow Six Vegas 2

This brilliant game was years ahead of its time and still draws a dedicated fanbase all these years later. Just as Battlefield is slower paced than COD, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is even slower still. The slower pace seems to attract a more supportive community. Why? I’m not sure, possibly because it’s an older game, so players are true fans of the genre. Alternatively, the slower, tactical game-play may attract a more thoughtful, intelligent player and deter the impatient pubescent rage-gamers who just don’t have the time for it. Its follow-up, Rainbow Six Siege, supports anti-harassment efforts.

  1. Discord

Discord is one of the most popular gaming communities present out there. In this platform, the gamers can engage in both textual and voice chat. The platform is available on all the popular operating systems like Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and can even be accessed through browsers. You can also put out a WhatsApp Status to enquire who of your other gamer friends are present on Discord and ask them to join the community along with you.

  1. GameFAQs

Created in 1995, GameFAQs is one of the oldest gaming communities in the world and one of the most trusted gaming communities too. The community generally addresses queries about games and gaming and further, provides the gamer with guides and other frequently asked questions. In addition to that, one will also find many cheat codes in this community.

  1. GameSpot

Launched in 1996, GameSpot is another of the oldest gaming communities of the globe. The platform covers reviews of the games and also provides the members with information about gaming news, launch information of new games, guides, trailers and further, download links of different games are available too. GameSpot is an active gaming community and one will find many fresh contents nearly with each passing time. It is one of the most popular gaming communities amongst gamers.

  1. Reddit

Reddit is not only popular amongst the general public but also, the gamers too. A wide variety of topics are available on Reddit including Sad Status, science, literature, space and of course, games. For joining a gaming community in Reddit, one needs to explore the subreddit. In the proper subreddit forum, one will find all the information on different games. One can join a subreddit of their interest to join like-minded people in the gaming community.