
Important tips for writing engaging travel journal

Going to another counter is a good activity. It is full of excitement and joy. You should keep a travelJournal with you to remember everything you experienced. Your journal helps you take notes of things you see. The look and appearance of your journal doesn’t matter, but the inputs are the key.

How to make a good traveling journal

A good traveling journal doesn’t require professional work. It usually comes from your own personal experiences and adventures. Here are some helpful tips for making a useful travel journal:

  • Use your best style

Writing a travel journal is not just about describing geographic locations. You should add a taste to these descriptions. It is easy to find attractions, but is not always easy to find captivating descriptions. You need to focus on the flair and style if you are writing for others. This means that you are going to publish your content on a blog or a site.

The tone of writing would definitely differ in case you are keeping it for personal use. The same thing applies when you write for friends and family. So, you can determine your writing style when you know your targeted audience.

  • Include things you really want

Your travel journal is not a recorder. It shouldn’t include each and every small detail you see. It should only contain things you really want to remember. For example, a nice encounter with friendly locals or a strange situation in the train. A good journal should tell interesting stories. It doesn’t matter that you mention good or bad experiences. What matters is their importance for you.

  • There is no specific order for writing

You are free to write things you like whenever they happen. You shouldn’t be restricted to chronological order. You are just telling the story that induced your creativity and imagination.

Travel journalists recommend writing down anything while it is still fresh. It is better than waiting till you get to your hotel’s room. Your memory won’t be as active and some important details might be missing from the story. It is very easy to do, as your journal will always be with you.

  • Personalize it as you want

Your travel journal shouldn’t be just one paragraph under the other. You should make it visually interesting. You should stick items from the place you are visiting on the pages. You can use postcards, newspaper snippets or any label. It will add extra reminder of the situation you are writing about. This way you can remember the entire details even after 10 or 20 years.

Tips to pick a good traveling journal

Travel journals come in various shapes and sizes. There is no ideal shape for them. It is a matter of taste and personal preference. There is no right and wrong when it comes to buying a journal. However, there are items that can be more functional than others. The following guidelines can assist you pick a good one:

  • Buy it with a cover

Your travel journal goes everywhere with you. So, keeping it protected from weather or falls is a wise thing. It can guarantee its longevity and functionality. You can find items that are sold with covers. Or you can purchase a case separately.

  • Get lined papers

Lined papers will make your inputs more appealing. You can write properly with lines on pages. As for drawing, it can work just fine with lines. But trying to write on unlined pages is not fun or easy.

  • Consider the size and weight

There is no standard size or weight for traveling journals. But, you should go for small but practical sizes. Basically, you can determine the size based on the destination. If you think you won’t find much to see, you should go for compact journals. If you are going to write many details, it is wise to select one with a big number of pages. Many travelers prefer to go minimal, because they don’t want much luggage. They depend on the fact that they can buy another item from the places they are visiting. To sum it up, your needs and nature of the place you are visiting can determine the size.

  • Choose a nice design

A travel journal with a pleasant design will encourage you to write your entries. You are getting a journal to use constantly, so aesthetic aspect matters. You shouldn’t get something that looks old and unattractive.

  • Pick durable materials

It is important to focus on the material part, because you won’t change a journal with each trip. You buy a journal that can last for years. You shouldn’t buy a journal made of cheap and easily torn materials. If you have environmental concerns, you can find journals with recycled materials.

Express your thoughts genuinely

You are writing your own travel journal. So, you should honestly write your ideas. It is not about writing for the readers. It is about your memories and experiences. If you find something you liked, you should write it. You shouldn’t ignore negative situations and opinions too. Honesty is healthy and good for you. It can also great for readers.

When you purchase the travelJournal you liked, it is important to buy a few pens too. There will be a lot of details to write down. So, you need your pens as you go. You shouldn’t forget to bring a couple of glue sticks if you are going to stick some pictures and cards.


Tips and tricks of archery for beginners

Archery is a game that is known for years and its popularity has never came down. From few years, it is getting more popular because people are now wanting to experience something that is from real life and is heroic too. Movies are based on this game and that is how this game is evolving with a fresh look. If you want to play the game, you cannot start it like any other game because you would need a particular set of equipment and place where you can practice the game. Usually archery arenas are present in all localities but you would have to find one that is nearest to you. If you do not know anything about the game, do not worry as you will get to know about it with the passage of time and will also master all the techniques that are essential for being called a pro of this game.

How to take a start?

To take a start, you need to understand that this is a different game. You will have to devote specific time from your routine. If you are planning to play it once a week then I will suggest not to upgrade any of your equipment and play it as a hobby but if you want to learn the hunting techniques then you can upgrade the equipment and can also master the techniques that are essential to hunt live animals. But beware the legal formalities before going for an actual hunt!

So, how do you select the bow and arrows? You need to keep one thing in mind that you should select the bow that suits you best. I would recommend you to take a start from recurve bow. It would no doubt be a tough start but it will automatically teach you on how to use the compound bow because it is easier to use than recurve bow. If you feel confident that you can play with a recurve bow, try that. Do not buy initially, either take it on rent or borrow from a friend on senior player in the arena. This will give you a basic idea about the bows and how they feel in hands of a shooter. To learn more about the bows, Archerypower is a comprehensive website discussing all the details that you need to know about the archery.

Understand the grip of both bow hand and the string hand:

It is critical to understand the grip techniques of both the hands. If you are a right hand person, you will hold the bow in your left hand and vice versa. Make a V shape with your thumb and index finger and wrap the bow with other fingers. This would provide you with a comprehensive grip that is required to play archery. To grip at the string end, there are different techniques. You can take a start with the basic technique by placing two fingers below the knock and one finger above it. This would be a nice way to hold the arrow before you throw it.

Anchor point and drawing in the right manner:

After you know how to grip from both the hands, now you need to understand the drawing of the string and the anchor point. Draw the string that your elbow from the right hand is parallel to the ground and you bring the string near the corner of your mouth. This is what normally shooters do and it is the right way to shoot an arrow in the right direction. Take a deep breath and inhale while you draw. All you need is to maintain your focus in whole time. This is not a game that you will learn within a couple of weeks, if you really want to master the game you would be required to maintain a calm attitude towards the game.

You need not to drop your hand after you shoot. This is the common mistake that most beginners do; as they drop the hand they miss the target. If you want your target to hit in the right position, you should follow through the shot and look at it until it reaches the target. This is how you would get to learn the most advanced techniques in minimum time.

As a beginner, I would suggest you to take few classes from a senior player in your arena before you start playing on your own. You need to practice a little under supervision before you do not need anyone to tell you the techniques. Internet is a great medium to learn the advanced techniques and to get the best equipment at reasonable rates. If you do not know about the equipment, you should start with the basic equipment because in the learning process you will damage it and that is why least investment at the beginner stage is advisable.